Stamford High School
Stamford, Connecticut (CT)
Class of 1961

The latest information on Stamford High School Class of 1961 (SHS '61) classmates is available here, but you need a username and password to access it. To get the password, contact:

Wren McMains

(Include something about yourself that can be verified in the yearbook. Members of the Class of 1960 can also get a password if your E-mail address is current in your class list.)

Help your classmates find each other. If you have any information on the location of a classmate, please E-mail it to Wren at the address shown above.  Also E-mail Wren with any changes to the information we display about you.

SHS '61 on Facebook

The Stamford High School class of 1961 database was originally created by Peggy (Welby) Chicatell (deceased 11/2001), Lucille Limone, Lou and Kathy Chiappetta, and Jeff Wortman. We all appreciate their efforts!   --Wren

Complete list of classmates (click on name for more information):

Visits since 12/24/2005: